Our Maitland turf farm offers lawn options such as Kikuyu, Couch & Sir Walter Buffalo. We can provide turf solutions to suit any situation.
Kikuyu Turf
Kikuyu is a vigorous growing warm season lawn. It can tolerate a high amount of wear and recovers quickly from damage, making it suitable for highly used areas.Kikuyu Lawn grows best in full sun, however it will handle a small amount of shade. It is easy to grow and is quick establishing. Kikuyu has a good winter colour, and is an affordable grass which makes it an ideal lawn for larger open areas such as investment properties, parks, subdivisions, golf courses and playing fields.
Couch Turf
Couch is a a very fine leaf grass, that grows slowly and enjoys dry and sunny to lightly shaded areas. Couch is usually mown short and what you would see on golf courses. Couch is also often used on council strips and parks as it requires less mowing than other varieties.
Sir Walter Buffalo Turf
For information on how to prepare your yard for laying new turf, visit Site Preparation or call 49 300100.
We offer turf delivery, or you can pick up from our Maitland turf farm. Our service regions include Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast, Singleton & Port Stephens.
To receive our current Turf price list, kindly fill out our online form below or call us on 49 300100.