Kikuyu Turf is one of Newcastle and Australia’s most popular lawn choices. It’s an inexpensive choice, has minimal lawn care and repairs from damage quick due to its quick growth. Kikuyu grass in summer will require weekly mowing and watering.
The main advantages of installing a Kikuyu turf lawn are:
- Course leaf grass
- Good wear tolerance
- Quick repair
- Good winter colour
Kikuyu is also often the first choice for sporting fields and community areas in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Port Stephens and Singleton. Again this is associated with its cost and ability to repair quickly from damage that often comes hand in hand with the heavy use of sporting ovals.
Kikuyu Growing Conditions
This lawn variety grows best in full sun, however it will handle a small amount of shade. It is easy to grow and is quick establishing. Kikuyu has a good winter colour, a frost in winter can cause some browning off. Kikuyu is an affordable grass which makes it an ideal lawn for larger open areas such as investment properties, parks, subdivisions, golf courses and playing fields. If you’re looking for an affordable grass option for your new home, or if you need to re-turf damaged lawn areas, you can’t go wrong with a Kikuyu instant lawn.
Pennisetum clandestinum is the technical name for kikuyu and it originated from East Africa. It also a common grass for home and community lawns in South Africa and Southern California.
Maintaining & Fertilising a Kikuyu Lawn
Kikuyu grass responds very well to a nitrogen based fertiliser. Kikuyu grass should be fertilised approx. 3-5 times per year. The best times to fertilise are early spring, late spring, mid-summer and mid to late autumn. Regular fertilising and watering will ensure your kikuyu lawn looks its best.
If Kikuyu lawn is damaged, it repairs very well. This is due to how fast Kikuyu spreads. It can also spread when it goes to seed and those germinate.
This lawn choice is perfect for those on a budget or for large open areas. With the correct care and maintenance your kikuyu lawn can look great and compete with all the best lawns in your street.

To view all of the lawn types Eturf offer, visit Grass Varieties.
Our service regions include Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, Singleton & Port Stephens. To find out our kikuyu grass cost per square metre, please complete our online enquiry form below or call 49 300100.
To order Kikuyu turf, call our Maitland Turf farm on 49300100. Delivery or pick up available.
To find out our kikuyu grass cost per square metre, please complete our online enquiry form below or call 49 300100.